French Government Takes Back Rate Hike in Fuel Prices After Riots

The last two to three weeks has been quite a tumultuous time for the French government, as residents have been out protesting against the latest hike in the prices for fuel. The rate hike in the prices for fuel has meant that consumers will have to pay almost 10 cents more for each gallon of gas for their car. 

Consumers didn’t take well to the measures and came out in numbers, protesting against the Government and the impoverished measures of austerity. Many took the law in to their own hand, and burnt cars scattered across the roads. 

The French government previously stated that these taxes had been levied to fight off the threat of climate change in not just France, but the world as well. However, a rights group by the name of the Yellow Vest movement, comprising of poor, rural Frenchmen has been protesting since many weeks about the poor living conditions in the country, despite the fact that it has some of the highest rates for taxation in the whole of Europe. 

While the government had at first remained steadfast, they had to eventually retreat in the face of constant opposition from the group and other violent mobs. The u-turn by the French government is a reflection of how today’s politicians are fickle and have zero control over public violence. 

Prime Minister Edouard Philippe finally bowed down in front of the mayhem and gave in to the demand of the mobs. The government had previously spoken highly of standing beside their policies, but with this latest decision they have given an indication of how spineless they really are. 

Thousands of rioters marched around French Streets throughout last week, setting on fire more than a hundred French cars. The lives of many residents were disrupted, as the mobsters went from street to street, setting fire to the expensive cars across neighborhoods. 

Not only did the government fail to restrict the protestors and the damage they were causing, but it also bowed down in front of them. The state failed against some cheap rioters with no clear mission up their sleeves. 

The French government has showed the rest of the public how there is nothing that can be done when angry mobsters turn towards burning French cars. Next time someone falls out of favor with the government, they can set out to burn French cars, because that’s what scares the government.