It’s About Time for Macron to Choose Economics over Politics

We all know how the two of the biggest French car companies, Peugeot and Renault, are closely linked to Britain, not only in the matters of manufacturing but in terms of the market as well. Bearing that in mind, if you bring the apparently impending disaster of Brexit into the picture, the scenario could turn out to be not only disastrous but painful as well, at least for the working class of the French population.

A key French car lobbyist has advised Macron that when the time comes, he needs to choose economy over politics and worry about protecting jobs rather than the sanctity of Brussels. It is so because if the world witnesses Brexit happen, then it would result into a lot of uncertainties for the two French car companies already discussed.

Among these uncertainties, not only would the cars become more expensive but the profits of the companies will glide as well. The ultimate crunch, however, will be faced by the working class of France who are employed by these companies in the UK, owing to how they, simply, will not be needed anymore. This will not only result into negative implications for these companies but for the entire country, on the whole, as well.

Historically, Macron has proved to be more economics over politics, but the entire scenario might go topsy-turvy real fast, owing to how the entrance of the “people from Brussels” into a scenario can significantly impact the decisions and outcomes. For the sake of his working class, it is about time for Macron to do what’s in the best interest for France rather than being dictated by Brussels. If he doesn’t, then he can kiss the dream of an inspired and confident France, under his leadership, goodbye!